Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year 2012

Happy New Year! I'm so excited to start a new year. This time of year always makes me hopeful, refreshed and rejuvenated. I feel strong, like I can accomplish anything. And with that said, I always make new year's resolutions.

2012 Resolutions:
  1. Lose weight. I've already lost 8 pounds and I'm excited at the jump start I've made towards my goal.
  2. Stick to a blogging schedule. It is my goal to post only on Mondays and Wednesdays.
  3. Be a more organized blogger.
Are you an organized blogger, author, or book lover? How do you keep everything straight? I would love to hear what works for you as well as your resolutions for 2012!

1 comment:

Julia Rachel Barrett said...

Happy New Year! Great resolutions!