We provide the following services for publishers and public relations companies:
- Book Reviews
- Book Excerpts
- Guest Posts
Genres Reviewed: Young adult, Mystery
Time Frame: It currently takes us 1-2 months to read and review your novel. If you have an upcoming release, please submit your review request in early so we can reserve a review date for you in advance.
Rating System: All books are rated on a 5 star scale. However, we only post book reviews that have received 4 stars or higher. This blog will remain a positive place that showcases fantastic novels from outstanding authors. If a novel falls below four stars, you will receive the review via e-mail and can decide if you would like to post the review on Hypnos. We can also replace the review with a book excerpt, guest post or interview.
Series: We review books in a series in order.
Interested? E-mail Zee at FirePagesEditor@yahoo.com with the following information:
- Book Title & Genre
- Author Name & Website & Social Media Links
- Number of Pages
- Publisher
- Blurb
- Book cover (JPG or URL link)
- Review Date Preference (ex. July, April 30th, open, at your convenience)
Guest Post Policy: Guest posts are always welcome for authors with fun and original content. If you are interested in doing a guest post, e-mail Zee at FirePagesEditor@yahoo.com to pitch your guest post idea. Please feel free to include your bio and any relevant pictures and links.